At Childgarden Preschool we are committed to providing an inquiry - based program that is welcoming, fun, exciting, stimulating, creative, and safe .
Through the educators dedication to observing the interests of the children a curriculum is created reflecting your child’s interest and knowledge while extending their learning. We believe that children learn best when the playful curriculum is motivating and meaningful. We provide your child with the opportunity for group learning, developing social skills, problem solving, and learning to work together. With respectful guidance from educators, children gain independence and practice self control. Children develop a sense of personal and social responsibility, as it relates to each other from within our preschool; from there it naturally flows into our larger community and beyond.
We believe learning through play creates a variety of experiences to enhance the cognitive, physical, emotional and social growth of your child. The children have the opportunity to explore and play with materials that are presented in an interesting, provoking and inviting manner.
Your child is supported in their learning journey. Through discussions, we are able to find out what your child already knows, what they are learning, and what they wish to know. These discussions are revisited individually and at group gatherings. Their learning is strengthened and their intellectual need to construct their understanding of concepts is met and reinforced.