At Childgarden Preschool, family involvement is encouraged at any and all levels. Although not designated a Parent Participation Preschool, any level of participation a family wishes to provide is welcomed.

Many families feel that Parent Participation is an important factor in their child’s early education and social experiences. We also know that many parents can’t meet the demands of a registered Parent Participation Preschool, as they require significant time commitment that can be very difficult or impossible for working families, or families with other children. At Childgarden Preschool, we welcome you to join in anyway that fits your family.

There will be a monthly sign up sheet if you’d like to participate in the classroom as a duty parent. You may contribute play dough, be a class representative, or volunteer to coordinate recycled materials, help on field trips, or volunteer to organize social get togethers for the preschool, etc. Most importantly, we’d like the preschool to respect the children’s family and community. We welcome your family to share your heritage with us. We would be honoured for you to share with us your customs, celebrations, food, costumes, dance, music, art and stories.