It Takes a Village…
Childgarden Preschool & Discoveries genuinely works towards building relationships with our families within our preschool community. From our Open House and Registration, to communications and conversations throughout the years, we hope to establish a community of adults who all have a common goal, the interest, care, attention and love of the little humans at the heart of our lives.
One of the many ways this happens, is to encourage and welcome participation in the running of the preschool program. This may look like offering to be the family that picks up books for us at the library, or runs out as a shopper to pick up last minute items needed, or helping to maintain our garden. Some families have special skills or talents such as sewing or repairing worn dress-up clothes. Other families use their expertise to support the preschool, such as marketing or re-building the website. Which brings us to the announcement of the launch of our new website! We are so blessed to have the assistance of such people in our preschool community, who have given hours of their time.
We hope you will find the website easier to navigate. Caren and Sue promise to write blogs frequently and hope you check it out as they come. In future we may add features such as recommended Book Lists along with adding more useful links on our Resource Page.
We welcome your feedback!
From the bottom of our hearts, we wish to thank each and everyone who has participated and helped in some way, (you know who you are) and for joining us along the journey of the preschool path.
We are all in it for the kids and as the old saying goes… ‘It takes a Village to raise a child’.